Create a dialogue between past and present, through a highlighting of Heritage
Enhance and enlighten heritage

Bringing cultural heritage to light
To pay tribute to a monument, its history, its environment, and its singularities … or to highlight a company, a project, an innovation, through its expertise is a great source of artistic inspiration.
Since the beginning, our projects have often been part of a process to bring value to heritage. Thanks to some unusual requests, our artistic approach has been enriched and a new direction has emerged in our work: to highlight heritage sites. In São Paulo (Brazil), we showcased the real estate district of Itaim Bibi. At the European IT solutions leader: Steria, we revealed the very first positive-energy office building in France, built by Bouygues Immobilier. We also made the credits of the TV show “La Nuit du Patrimoine”, broadcasted at 8:35 pm on France 5 channel.
These projects have led us to numerous travels in France and abroad, but also to extraordinary artistic residencies. There was the ALMA observatory (Atacama Large Millimeter Array), located at 5000m altitude in Chile; or the summit of a volcano (Bromo) in Indonesia; or in Bolivia, China, Norway, Greece… Also in France, where we had the chance to express our artistic sensitivity in many places classified as Historic Monuments, such as the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval, the Grand Hôtel-Dieu in Lyon or the Senegalese Tata, ranked national necropolis.
To discover a few of the creations, please visit our artistic platform :